You can find us at
083 228 2779
4 George street, Albertinia, 6695
George Airport is a mere hour’s drive on the N2 Highway from Voëlroepersfontein.
340 km from Cape Town (4 hours on the road)
50 km from Mosselbaai
40 km from Riversdal
Latitude S 34° 12 ‘ 21.258”
Longitude E 21° 35 ‘ 0.002”
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Visitors who have loved Voëlroepersfontein
Prize-winning authors Jan van Tonder and Jenny Pieterse
Academics Proff Heilna and Andries du Plooy
Publishers of note Hettie Scholtz, founder of Queillerie Publishers and husband Piet Scholtz, ex CEO of the HAUM Group of Publishers
Representatives of government, i.e. Mr Alan Winde, Western Cape Minister of Economic Opportunities
Members of the Vincent TV GMBH film crew from Berlin, Germany: Maike Albers, Svenja Harks, Heike Nicolaus, Jan Kerhart, Sven Heiligenstein, Dominik Godehardt J, Michael Richter, Beatrice Mayer, Robert Wisniewski, Tommy Beier, Stefan Paul, Frank Kranstedt, Simone Owczavek, Claudia Kaiser, Ben Kruse
Andreas & Judith Rüegg from Bauernhof Bodengut Hinwil im schönen Zürcher Oberland (Switzerland)
Our first bridal couple Albert & Zettie Kemp made their vows on 25 February under the age-old Whispering Tree
Mr Izak van der Merwe, forest scientist at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries who initiated the Champion Tree project in 2003 and still acts as co-ordninator for this worthy cause needs special mention. He is also in charge of law enforcement with regard to the protection of forests and the declaration of protected areas and deserves my warm thanks for not only measuring the Voëlroepersfontein Champion Tree, a Ficus burkei, but also christening it so aptly as The Whispering Tree